Friends of Shades Creek

is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in central Alabama, U.S.A. Our group is made up of local citizens working for the protection of, and responsible development along beautiful Shades Creek. We started in August 1998. Our mission is to educate and engage the community in the preservation efforts of Shades Creek. We are supported by memberships and donations.

Shades Creek
Watershed Plan

Thank you to our members and donors in 2024.

>Sign up for weekly E-Messages – information, activities, hikes, videos: [email protected]

>Salamander Migration Notes:


Native Forest Trees
of Alabama

Henry’s presentation identifies ecological characteristics of Alabama’s common native trees. He refers to species growing uniquely in particular locations within Birmingham’s forested watersheds and accessibly in our historic parks.   >Native Forest Trees link

Sign up for future meetings: [email protected]
>Link for past presentations:


Exploring and Protecting the Magic of Our Earthen Nighttime Environment

Dr. Michelle Wooten, speaker Thursday, 1-9-2025. She is assistant Professor of Astronomy education at The University of Alabama at Birmingham and leads Campus SHINE lab, engaging students in supporting campus adoption of smarter lighting practices.
Join Zoom Meeting here:


Shades Creek book
(Lakeshore Drive in 1914)

Did you know Lakeshore Drive in the years around 1914 was envisioned to be part of a speedway like the Indianapolis Speedway? “Shades Creek: Flowing Through Time,” written by The Birmingham Historical Society tells this story and more with over 365 photos and 216 pages including the above photo and story. Books are still available for only $30. Above photo is from the Alvin Hudson Collection, BPL Archives.
>More book information and how to order a book:

Shades Creek | Birmingham, Alabama
Shades Creek Watershed Management Plan

The Management Plan is here! Shades Creek is beautiful, yet has challenges caused by urban runoff. The Nature Conservancy in Alabama (TNC) has taken leadership to develop a watershed plan to restore the Creek. The Shades Creek Watershed Management Plan uses EPA’s 9-step watershed planning process.
>Slides from the first stakeholder meeting in 2020.

Shades Creek Cleanup and Restoration Projects

Shades Creek Trash Cleanups are held every year the last Saturday in September. Shades Creek spring cleanups are also held. Plan a cleanup for your Shades Creek area: [email protected]
>Fall Cleanup photos:

>Mr. Shadey is telling us a lot about trash in Shades Creek – Find out:


Shades Creek Restoration

Learn about “live stakes” for restoration with Paul Freeman, which trees to plant for riparian restoration areas with forester, Henry Hughes and more.  Zoom meeting was on 1-13-2022. YouTube video available: